
IPA: fɝˈɛnˈɑɫʌdʒ


  • Knowing beforehand; foresight, precognition, prescience.

Examples of "foreknowledge" in Sentences

  • [Don't give me some flimsy "foreknowledge is not determinism" line, either.
  • Thus Luther calls the foreknowledge of God a thunderbolt to dash the doctrine of free-will into atoms.
  • This sort of foreknowledge is in God, who at one commanding view sees all things that ever were, or are, or ever will be.
  • It is tempting to imagine that the elegy was written in some kind of foreknowledge of the untimely silencing of his own sweet blackbird song.
  • And since predestination is comprised under foreknowledge, the gloss in the beginning of the Psalter assigns only two species to prophecy, namely of _foreknowledge, _ and of
  • God's foreknowledge is not the perception of any ground of action out of Himself; still in it liberty is comprehended, and all absolute constraint debarred [Anselm in Steiger].
  • But there is nothing problematic about that kind of foreknowledge because events could have proven me wrong even though as events actually turned out, they didn't prove me wrong.
  • I guess what I am saying is, the "conspiraloons" are focusing too much on the Power/Visor Consulting simulation, and they need to focus on the Israeli foreknowledge which is there in print in the Bild am Sontag 10th or 11th July 2005 edition.
  • Paul de Man, who introduced the deconstructionist theory of Jacques Derrida to American readers after the New Criticism had become a received orthodoxy, detected in the New Critics a "foreknowledge" of what he called, borrowing a phrase from the Swiss critic Georges Poulet, "hermeneutic circularity."

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