IPA: fˈɔrmoʊst
- A village in Alberta, Canada.
- Positioned in front of (all) others in space, most forward.
- Coming before (all) others in time.
- Of the highest rank or position; of the greatest importance; of the highest priority.
- (nautical) Closest to the bow.
- In front, prominently forward.
- First in time.
- Most importantly.
Examples of "foremost" in Sentences
- That being first and foremost, is why JBT works as a brand.
- First and foremost is that program at Naperville Central HS, in Naperville, Illinois.
- I want them to be touched by it because to me novel writing, first and foremost, is storytelling.
- Among them, the foremost is the old commandment, as old as the oldest documents of any nation: Thou shalt not kill!
- “First and foremost is instituting a more stringent employee-training regimen and issuing a press release about it.”
- First and foremost is the time he played Howard Payne, the maniacal disgruntled ex-cop, against Keanu Reeves in Speed (1994).
- First and foremost is that you want to recognize that mental health problems, including addictions, are among the most common medical problems that exist!
- My complaint with the book, first and foremost, is the “tag line” on the cover of the paperback (not sure if it was on the hardcover): Has history been wrong for 200 years?