IPA: fɔrɔrdʌnˈeɪʃʌn
- Previous ordination or appointment; predetermination; predestination.
Examples of "foreordination" in Sentences
- Foreknowledge must not be confused with foreordination.
- "foreordination" are here mentioned, and the one as the cause of the other.
- His choice of the plan, or His making certain that the creation should be on this order, we call His foreordination or His predestination.
- The whole difficulty lies in the acts of free agents being certain; yet certainty is required for foreknowledge as well as for foreordination.
- If a distinction be desired the word "foreordination" can perhaps better be used where the thing spoken of is an event in history or in nature, while
- The Socinians and Unitarians, while not so evangelical as the Arminians, are at this point more consistent; for after rejecting the foreordination of
- In the third century B.C. Cleanthes, for example, argued that foreordination by Providence does not imply that an action not performed is not possible.
- Bush, George W., as heeder of invisible bugles, 64; Oedipal complexity of, 64-66; goading laughter of, 66; as frustrated dilettante, 66; as lover of backfiring cars, 66; blessedness of, 66; foreordination of, 128