
IPA: fɔrtˈeɪst


  • A taste beforehand.
  • A sample taken in anticipation; an experience undergone in advance.


  • (transitive) To taste beforehand.
  • (transitive) To taste before possession; have previous experience of; enjoy by anticipation.
  • (transitive) To taste before another.

Examples of "foretaste" in Sentences

  • It is generally described as a foretaste of what is called the Romantic movement.
  • (through consciousness of deserving it), has it even now, that is, the foretaste of it.
  • Reply Obj. 1: That manifestation of Christ's birth was a kind of foretaste of the full manifestation which was to come.
  • The past tense implies at the same time the certainty of it, as also that in this life a kind of foretaste in Christ is already given [Grotius] (Jer 6: 16; Mt 11: 28, 29).
  • It was a forescent -- even this could not be called a foretaste, of the kingdom of heaven; but Florimel never thought of the kingdom of heaven, the ideal of her own existence.
  • If overnight, one would spend some very delightful hours in drifting about Chioggia itself, which is a kind of foretaste of Venice, although not like enough to her to impair the surprise.
  • [216] His desire was for the spiritual body, raised in power and incorruption at the day of Christ; and, meanwhile, for that personal perfection in measure and foretaste, which is prepared for those who die in the Lord, and await His coming.
  • Mr. Abbey is still young, he is full of ideas and intentions, and the work he has done may, in view of his time of life, of his opportunities and the singular completeness of his talent, be regarded really as a kind of foretaste and prelude.
  • But what that means is that when, in our present history, you can say of someone that they 'know the Lord', what's happening is an anticipation of the end of time, when real justice happens: it's a kind of foretaste of what Christians call 'the Kingdom'.
  • Satisfied with labouring faithfully in his vocation, the good man committed his cause to God, and found, in the refreshing recollections of self-satisfaction, and in the calm repose that followed a harassing day, spent in the performance of his manifold duties, a reward which might be termed a foretaste of heaven.

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