IPA: fɔrgˈɛtfʌɫnʌs
- The quality of being forgetful; proneness to let slip from the mind.
- Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.
- Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention.
Examples of "forgetfulness" in Sentences
- “American Exceptionalism” means purposeful forgetfulness is ok. duBois Says:
- Only that slow over - growing of life, which we call forgetfulness, could do that.
- This kind of forgetfulness is one of the common signs evident in the earliest stages of the disease.
- The dialogue around Marina's forgetfulness is extremely well done, and the Hermitage material has depth.
- Any failure in memory, except the normal lapses which we call forgetfulness, is included under this term.
- But to Marina Buriakov, the reward for her forgetfulness is the opportunity to revisit, room by room and painting by painting ...
- In a poll of 1,168 adults, some of the reasons given for not locking-up were: a belief neighbours were keeping an eye out – 18 percent, a belief the area had a low crime rate – 18 percent and just plain forgetfulness – 10 percent.