
IPA: fˈɔrmʌɫɪzʌm


  • Strict adherence to a given form of conduct, practice etc.
  • (computing) One of several alternative computational paradigms for a given theory.
  • (literature) An approach to interpretation and/or evaluation focused on the (usually linguistic) structure of a literary work rather than on the contexts of its origin or reception.
  • (music) The tendency to elevate formal above expressive value in music, as in serialism.
  • (mathematics, physics) A particular mathematical or scientific theory or description of a given state or effect.
  • (linguistics, computing, mathematics) A formal expression of a grammar; a formal grammar; a set of rules of syntax that, without reference to semantics, determine whether a sequence of symbols is a well-formed sentence in a given formal language.
  • (philosophy of mathematics) The ontological view of mathematics as a mere collection of string manipulation rules.

Examples of "formalism" in Sentences

  • By the way, on the topic of women in formalism, I am delighted to see that Kevin is reissuing AFFC.
  • The fact that these theories seek to extend the formalism is considered as violation of the principle of parsimony by some.
  • Similarly, whether or not legal formalism is metaphysically correct, there are pragmatic arguments in its favor, ably put forth by Prof. Tamanaha.
  • The purpose of mathematical formalism is to cause the writer to not only be logically tight, but also specific enough to avoid arguments over semantics.
  • In this book I am going to explain real-world security using the techniques, processes, and formalism from the computer world, without assuming any computer knowledge.
  • But what has been lost in the abandonment of this kind of formalism is any serious attention to the intrinsic value of reading works of literature as opposed to all other "texts."
  • As to the vocabulary used to render the crematorium, it is true that it recalls the formalism of Meier's work, but to venture calling that kind of formalism racist is strange to me.
  • This story has been repeated innumerable times, and structures how we think about law and judging today: formalism is naïve, bad, or false; every sensible and candid person is realistic about judging.
  • Although I am in full support of Gay rights (I dont think marriage should be a state institution in the first place) some degree of judicial formalism is absolutely necessary to mantain balance of powers so I am also in full support of this courts decision.
  • These "choke" or "smother" the word; drawing off so much of one's attention, absorbing so much of one's interest, and using up so much of one's time, that only the dregs of these remain for spiritual things, and a fagged, hurried, and heartless formalism is at length all the religion of such persons.

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