IPA: fˈɔrmʌɫʌzeɪʃʌn
- The act of formalizing something.
Examples of "formalization" in Sentences
- One important reason for the successes of modern logic is its use of what has been called "formalization".
- And so here, at the risk of being accused of contradiction, we wish to reintroduce the notion of formalization.
- A metatheory of science requires a kind of formalization different from that already employed by scientific theories themselves.
- I'm sure some mathematical physicists would like to think that formalization is going out of fashion, but that's certainly not the trend from where I sit.
- Detlefsen's other argument against the common interpretation of Gödel's second theorem focuses on the notion of formalization: That the particular formalization of “T is consistent” by Gödel's formula
- Formalization obtains inhuman, machine-like powers of iterability in these de Manian readings, and formalization is all the more dangerous when it has been aestheticized and thereby rendered, fallaciously, a property of the
- What emerged from his hut in the Black Forest was not the independent verification of the New Testament that Bultmann's apologetic project required; rather, Being and Time was a sort of translation or "formalization" of the Pauline vision.
- The increased role of mathematical formalization is also strongly reflected in the awards, important examples being the Prizes to Samuelson, Hicks, Arrow, Koopmans, Kantorovich, Debreu, Allais, as well as the Laureates in mechanism design, financial economics and game theory.