
IPA: fˈɔrmʌdʌbˈɪɫɪti


  • The state of being formidable.

Examples of "formidability" in Sentences

  • Though her patriotic velour jog suit was quirky, her formidability was undeniable.
  • It increases formidability and, consequently, when I get angry, you pay more attention to my desires and less attention to your own.
  • Fashion notes aside, all this analogizing is based on shaky history: its fans impute to the British Empire a formidability it never possessed.
  • In the New Year's message the prime minister laid out goals for 2011 in broad terms that include steps to help reignite Japan's economic formidability.
  • In a context like modern Iraq or the ancient Near East, where disputes are often settled without recourse to police or law, "formidability" is a social asset.
  • Their formidability lies not just in the fact that they have tons of money to buy political favor but that they constitute the very life blood of the growth based economy; they literally and figuratively fuel the engine of growth.

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