
IPA: fˈɔrmɫʌs


  • Without form; shapeless.
  • (not comparable) Without the use of forms or templates.

Examples of "formless" in Sentences

  • Our nature dim, like to an unlighted torch, sleeps in formless blank till the fire attain it; this life of life, this light to moon, and glory to the sun.
  • In Job 38, for example, the first act of creation involves a conflict between God and the sea, that is, the formless, watery deep that was there before the world began.
  • As the months have passed, Barak Obama has had time to develop his points and outline his approach to solutions, but these issues remain formless conjecture couched in political rhetoric.
  • If this unimaginable intelligence in the formless is continuously expressing its intelligence in form, the leader who is consciously connected to this intelligence shines and has a high level of attraction.
  • Aside from the expression of pure relation a language may, of course, be “formless”—formless, that is, in the mechanical and rather superficial sense that it is not encumbered by the use of non-radical elements.
  • In this ocean of universal energy or atmospheric environment which we call formless, there is always some form of some kind, but the formless is a form too high for our human mind to comprehend, we have not yet reached the plane of unfoldment where we have cosmic recognition.
  • He may be termed formless by those who, not without much reason to show for themselves, are wedded to the established forms and ratified refinements of poetic art; but it seems reasonable to enlarge the canon till it includes so great and startling a genius, rather than to draw it close and exclude him.
  • Metaphysics VII 3: In abstracting all qualities and other determinations from body Aristotle arrived at a conception of characterless, undetermined matter, a “prime matter” that the Neoplatonists later defined as formless and incorporeal (because it was no actual body, but only the necessary underlying condition for bodies).

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