IPA: fɔrmjʌɫˈeɪɪk
- Closely following a formula or predictable pattern, as:
- Conventionalized.
- Imitative; unoriginal; trite.
Examples of "formulaic" in Sentences
- The story could easily have run adrift in formulaic silliness.
- Given the theme of Yotsuba, “Enjoy Everything”, I think it being a little formulaic is be expected.
- Probably all this angst about formula and being formulaic is merely shorthand for what J.T. said above.
- Suspense and tension are squandered in the name of formulaic melodrama: Will they get the kids out alive?
- The opportunity to be long-winded yet perfunctory, paradoxically daring yet formulaic, is available to only proven hit makers at the top of the heap.
- The surfeit of what became known as the formulaic Full Monty effect eventually inured audiences to the charms of hard knocks/happy future comedies, but
- It strikes me that this approach is actually entirely antithetical to the use of fantasy in formulaic writing so, as a sort of inversion of it, I’ve coined the phrase Symbolic Formulation.
- Previously you implied that the "Theory of Evolution" (your capitals, though whether that's the old standby RM-NS or something else just as blindly formulaic is not explained) is capable "of generating the complexity and diversity we observe in life."
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