
IPA: fˈɔrθrˈaɪtɫi


  • In a forthright manner

Examples of "forthrightly" in Sentences

  • Material facts should be disclosed forthrightly, meaning you provide all the information your counterparty might want to know to avoid loss on the trade.
  • Mr. Préval was reticent on that point in a visit to Washington this month, but other Haitian officials have since begun to address it forthrightly, which is a hopeful sign.
  • He accused Assad's regime of murder but did not call forthrightly for the President's departure, as he had when Libya's dictator, Muammar Qaddafi, ordered that protesters be shot.
  • Labels and inscriptions on things manufactured in preindustrial eras often give voice to the objects they adorn, as if bringing them to life, to speak directly or forthrightly to their admirers or potential owners.
  • Below this formal structure lies a crucial reality, which Penn is almost alone in forthrightly disclosing: students have a much better chance of being admitted if they apply early decision than if they wait to join the regular pool.
  • (In the latter case, the political calculation was made to simply ignore the flip flop and state forthrightly that the Senate had voted for withholding, letting the understandably upset folks complain without engaging their argument: least said, soonest mended.)
  • David Landau, formerly editor-in-chief of Haaretz, called forthrightly for just such a boycott: 'I call on parliaments throughout the democratic world, and inter-parliamentary associations, to boycott Israel's parliament, once the pride of the Jewish people, until it buries the bill and recovers its democratic heritage.'

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