IPA: fˈɔrθrˈaɪtnʌs
- The characteristic or quality of being forthright
Examples of "forthrightness" in Sentences
- He exudes humility and forthrightness, as befits a melodrama Hero.
- Â This kind of forthrightness bordering on the contentious and rude was absolutely unheard of in The Legion.
- It also touches on his honesty and "forthrightness" (is that a word or something I snagged from the Bush dictionary?)
- Bill Ayers, unfortunately, has not generally shown anything like that kind of forthrightness or capacity for self-criticism.
- Day said later it was the "forthrightness" of Zaccardelli's response to the issues raised in the O'Connor report that won him the government's confidence.
- Our forthrightness was the right thing to do, and transparency, I am convinced, will ultimately result in a higher level of trust in the quality and the safety of VA's services.
- However, there are times, like today, when my reward for my incredible dedication and forthrightness is the joy spelled out on the faces of our most special treasures: Our children.
- I mean, anyone who was ever a child and who’s ever written a letter to Santa proclaiming to have been a Very Good Boy (slash Girl) This Year might know that total forthrightness is far overrated. scatterbrain
- You talk to some of the undecided voters who have come to the open meetings I've had here, and ask them what their reaction is to the kind of forthrightness and candor and straight talk that I have tried to give them in response to every question, every comment, every suggestion.
- I applaud Walters for talking about the issue, because given the closed-off generation in which she grew up and the other conflicts going on in her family (her father's financial problems that sent them from wealthy into a working class existence), I think her forthrightness is important.