IPA: fˈɔrθwˈɪθ
- (chiefly formal, literary) Without delay; immediately.
Examples of "forthwith" in Sentences
- Then bade he the Chamberlain forthwith go out and cause the tables to be spread and order all the troops thereto.
- A two-six is a forthwith from the chief's office, and any officer who knows and enjoys his position in the department will not delay.
- Detective Harry Bosch spent over twenty-five years with the department in his first tour and never once received a forthwith from the chief of police.
- At any rate Miss Raeburn gathered that she was expected to try, and instead of pressing her brother for explanations she held her tongue, paid her call forthwith, and wrote her note.
- I do not mean by that that every sincere woman is bound to become a Salvation Army Officer, or is called forthwith to go to the ends of the earth as a member of our Missionary Forces.
- "Dear sir, I hope your wardrobe is in order, for I am resolved to redeem my word forthwith, and to-night to carry you with me to an entertainment for which I have received an invitation.
- With the exception of places like King County where some poll voting still occurs, the analysis can begin forthwith because in most cases, we won't see any additional counts from those counties for a day or two.
- RESOLVED THEREFORE, _That in view of the facts set out in the foregoing preamble, it is the opinion of this meeting that a convention of the people should be called forthwith; that the State in its sovereign character should consult with the other Southern
- The King summoned the twain forthwith, as he loved them for their fidelity and piety; and, sending for the woman, that he might hear from her own lips what she had to say against them, thus bespake her, “O woman, what hath betided thee from these two men in whom I trust?”
- GREETING: -- Whereas there are severall Persons com to Reside in our Towne and we feare a futer charge and as the Law directs to prevent such charge, you are Requested in his Majesty's name forthwith to warn the severall persons under wrighten: to depart out of our Town as the law directs to, least they prove a futer charge to the
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