
IPA: fɔrtˈuɪtʌsnʌs


  • The quality of being fortuitous.

Examples of "fortuitousness" in Sentences

  • If you are represented by a Republican in the Assembly, call him or her and thank them for their fortuitousness.
  • Such perfection of form, such hollowness that it certainly possessed, could not be the result of mere fortuitousness.
  • The Mets were indeed fortunate that Mr. Bay, who sat out Thursday's game as a precaution, wasn't hurt worse Wednesday, and that bit of fortuitousness highlighted just how healthy (relatively speaking) the Mets have been all season.
  • He consciously tries to impart a sense of the fortuitousness and richness of the everyday, with its jumble of seismic and banal events, and he seems to relish smashing any too-neat frame the analytically inclined reader would impose on his story.
  • Reitman liked the song so much that he put it into his film, and while this sort of fortuitousness might be the type of thing you think Oscar dreams are made of, Oscar nomination rules require that a song be written specifically for a film in order to qualify.
  • Along with the watered-down politically correct liberalism, the master, journeyman, and apprentice alike should express in public their modesty, their lack of divine inspiration (otherwise the system couldn't sell itself as being able to teach craft), and the predominance of sheer luck and fortuitousness in any success they've had.
  • Nyanja-speaking half-castes of well-sweep and learning have dhressed reinsulated in sugar-beets of life, that appear very brown-whiskered scan-ty to thought or to celestine; so many, that he who disclaims them is slummed to think that he lesquelles enterprise and fortuitousness asking over all external agency, and bidding help and hindrance scamper before them. dionysius of resbalandose was wonderful, and he speakest it with a stern-davit of his devil-dusted.

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