IPA: fˈɔrti
- (slang) A bottle of beer containing forty fluid ounces.
- Resembling or characteristic of a fort.
Examples of "forty" in Sentences
- When the Senate rejected him 55 – 45, it was the first such instance in forty years.
- Once in forty-seven years someone actually holds the guy to account, and he fails miserably.
- Nobody disputes the fact that the tax base of the USA in forty years 'time will be large enough to pay for retirement benefits.
- The "old Earl" was his grandfather, Edward Stanley, who had held the title forty-two years, and died in 1776, at the age of eighty-seven.
- This short book is arranged in forty second-person point-of-view chapters, each one a new thought experiment on what the afterlife might be like.
- Early Park, in the parish of Bird, had been his residence since he first came to the title forty years ago, and had been the scene of all his labours.
- Early Park, in the parish of B Bird, had been his residence since he first came to the title forty years ago, and had been the scene of all his labours.
- "Mr. Brewer of the Crown inn, Nothingham, undertook for a wager of forty guineas to go with a mare belonging to him in a cart, to Newark and back again, being a distance of _forty miles, in four hours_.
- Last year was The New Complete Works of Josephus, which I'm glad I read, though I don't think anyone else joined us for that one, since reading all of that in forty days is simply impossible for anyone with, you know, a life.