
IPA: fˈuɫi


  • In a foul manner.

Examples of "foully" in Sentences

  • Also, he fought as foully as a successful fighter knows how.
  • In the shallows fell the Captain, foully slain, and rose no more!
  • “I'd gurgle last words as you choked me to death, and curse you quite foully with my dying breath.”
  • But there's power as well as profit in the world of apps, and it can be exercised fairly or foully.
  • It was that Gussie had been foully murdered by his mad scientist friend, professor Aloysius O'Flannigan!
  • Another day, another study, about grown women being foully and pointlessly competitive with each other, this time focusing on levels of one-upmanship on the school run.
  • Interestingly, the Duchess never really suffers public fallout within the play for what she has done: Lussurioso simply banishes her: "The Duchess is suspected foully bent;/I'll begin dukedom with her banishment" (5. 1.173-174)
  • Yet perhaps because the book is so skillfully wrought, one wishes that it could have been written without not just foul language but also foully specific images, such as that of a 16-year-old girl sleeping with a sadistic drug dealer.
  • That said, offence is also often in the eye of the beholder, and I can't now count the number of times a caricature of, say, Ariel Sharon has elicited the response that this is 'the most foully antisemitic cartoon since the closure of Der Stürmer'.
  • Which merely makes all the more powerful Baker's settled conclusion that weapons inspector Dr David Kelly was murdered most foully and was not, in the words of that most famous Alabama sheriff fishing a black man out of the Mississippi with six bullet holes in his back, called 'the worst case of suicide I've ever seen'.

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