
IPA: fˈaʊntɪnhɛd


  • A spring that is the source of a river.
  • An abundant source of knowledge, etc.

Examples of "fountainhead" in Sentences

  • I wonder if Rand is the 'fountainhead' of the nonfiction business books, many of which present themselves as complete.
  • The growing number of spin-off IDEs that point to Eclipse as their fountainhead is a testament to Eclipse's capability.
  • Attempting to hype him as the fountainhead of all right-thinking, truth, and scientific process will still not render him the messiah. sifto77
  • The honor is well-deserved, for Holland may fairly be called the fountainhead of modern international law, and has produced many of its best expounders, from Grotius and Bynkershoek to Asser.
  • Sandisk has allied itself in NAND with Toshiba, once a DRAM fountainhead and technology ally of Siemens and IBM. Toshiba operates the joint venture factories from which Sandisk obtains most of its NAND chips and is no friend to Samsung.
  • Since that day, more than forty years ago, Greenspan has become the figurehead (not the "fountainhead" - figurehead) for a new form of "establishment radicalism," a white-collar extremism which that has hijacked American economic policy for the last thirty years.
  • "Don Quixote is the first modern novel, perhaps the most eternal novel ever written and certainly the fountainhead of European and American fiction; here you have Gogol and Dostoevsky, Dickens and Nabokov, Borges and Bellow, Sterne and Diderot in their genetic nakedness, once more taking to the road with the gentleman and the squire, believing the world is what we read and discovering that the world reads us."

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