IPA: fˈɑksinʌs
- The characteristic or quality of being foxy
Examples of "foxiness" in Sentences
- "foxiness" or ability, he was soon laid by the heels.
- She chats with a couple of female bloggers, neither matching her unrivalled foxiness.
- Despite all the controversy about his character or political foxiness, you have to admit that he is good, indeed very good.
- I didn't care for Norton's in-your-face attack or the strong flavor called foxiness that betrayed its native heritage, I said.
- Apparently a bit of foxiness is considered desirable to some degree in wines, but these grapes are overboard on this characteristic.
- However, another interpretation - which fits with Obama's judicious, careful temperament and his WWLD (What would Lincoln do?) instinct - is that Obama is displaying foxiness.
- Put like that you'd probably rather aspire to hedgehoggery than foxiness and the first year of coalition was indeed ruled by the hedgehogs, blinkered in their ministerial fiefdoms, driving through their intellectual visions.
- Concerns that the Colombian singer's tight clothing and all-round general foxiness could lead to an increase in suicide bombings were slightly eased when the broadcasters opted to show the gig with her chest pixelated one can only assume that Islamofascism had no political or religious objections to her arse.