IPA: frˈæt
- Shortened form of fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.)
Examples of "frat" in Sentences
- I kept thinking of a certain frat boy invader when I read it ....
- I saw it plastered across the face of every entitled frat boy who already knew his way was paved.
- In January they all moved into a newly renovated house on Long Island -- a place I call the frat house.
- She's what the boys call a frat ho, and the Secret Service allegedly had to clean up behind her partying ways.
- They don't even apologize for torture which they enabled and first described as a frat party and today defend as a necessary method to protect the homeland.
- Linda: How about posting nutritional information online for the University run dining ... eric: Do you farmers seriously have nothing better to do than claim your frat is the ...
- Do these politicians get hazed and have to go thru initiation also ... cause it seems like the do a lot of "my frat is bigger and better then your frat" and party more then they do representing their people and districts.
- The social-networking site Late Night Shots is sometimes described as a frat party in cyberspace, populated by attractive 20-somethings who socialize in Georgetown and gossip about each other in LNS's anonymous chat forums.
- The thing is, people think that if there was no actual rape then there was nothing wrong with the overall pictures - bunch of entitled frat boys hire poor black women largely so that they can lord it over them in a racist manner, which intent they demonstrate quite clearly by their behavior.