IPA: frˈimˈeɪsʌn
- A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages and early modern times.
- A member of the Free and Accepted Masons (sometimes entitled Ancient Free and Accepted Masons), an international fraternal and charitable organization.
Examples of "freemason" in Sentences
- October 30, 2009 12:49pm the freemason is a moron sarah
- "freemason" is a misnomer, the word's an oxymoron or whatever.
- In Mesbah Yazdi's vernacular, a "freemason" is an anti-clerical person.
- In English law the word freemason is first mentioned in 1495, while frank-mason occurs already in an Act of 1444-1445.
- As early as April 4, 2011, Mesbah Yazdi referred to Ahmadinejad and his team as the gravest threat to Islam and intimated that they were "freemason" infiltrators.
- Quite recently W. Begemann [7] combats the opinion of Speth [8] as purely hypothetical, stating that the name freemason originally designated particularly skilled freestone-masons, needed at the time of the most magnificent evolution of Gothic architecture, and nothing else.