IPA: frˈihwˈiɫɝ
- A vehicle that can freewheel.
- Someone acting freely or irresponsibly.
- A person who is primarily concerned with having a good time.
Examples of "freewheeler" in Sentences
- Also, we have two counts of a reflector violation on the secret freewheeler
- Vote No Party freewheeler: Obama is right, but because like so many of the provisions in the Constitution, he was being opaque and ...
- Through the music scene he met Ronnie Graham, a freewheeler who pulled out of dumpsters or stole most of what he owned, but would share whatever he had.
- He was the soul of the Packers, the kinetic freewheeler who so captivated his followers that you could walk into any Wisconsin grocery store at 2 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon and be the only shopper there.