IPA: frʌnˈɛtɪkɫi
- In a frenetic manner
Examples of "frenetically" in Sentences
- I don't think it's quite as frenetically cerebral.
- Thousands of state-owned companies were sold quite frenetically in the early years.
- But instead, I burbled frenetically about my summer and tried not to buckle to the floor with shame.
- 3. For sample, the word frenetically wrote, must be charged grammactically with bowel pronouned strangley.
- Because overall rents have tended to increase, albeit not as frenetically as real estate prices themselves.
- Even after he opened his own practice, he was still working out frenetically, in the hope of going back into the Marines someday.
- Even though she was frenetically busy these days, taking care of a demanding one-year-old daughter while doing all her research and teaching at Columbia, she always found time for Michael.
- As the episode was explained later by someone involved in the investigation of the network, Tinner worked frenetically to copy the documents—making two copies of each page, instead of the one for which Khan had asked.
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