IPA: frˈaɪɝ
- A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites (white friars), Franciscans (grey friars) or the Dominicans (black friars).
- (printing, dated) A white or pale patch on a printed page caused by poor inking.
- An American fish, the silverside.
- A surname.
Examples of "friar" in Sentences
- (The "bad Spanish friar" is a standard villain in our patriotic literature.)
- Br. Benedict Joseph was solemnly professed as a Capuchin friar on September 1, 1955.
- The word friar is to be carefully distinguished in its application from the word monk.
- I am constrained to advise that the terms friar and monk are not synonymous, and that a friar does not inhabit an abbey.
- Brodrick, himself a former Augustinian friar, is a master of precision plotting, morally complex characterization, and crisp historical re-creation.
- One of them, Matthieu, an ex-capucin friar, said to the king: You are ignorant of what is going on; the country is in the greatest danger; the enemy has entered
- But viewers will at first be led to believe that the friar is a tricksy, brooding character with more on his mind than simply helping the battle against the Sheriff of Nottingham.