IPA: frˈɛndɫʌsnʌs
- The state or condition of being friendless; lack of friends.
Examples of "friendlessness" in Sentences
- Mr Dombey, in his friendlessness, inclined to the Major.
- All his life he had secretly grieved over his friendlessness.
- There might have been some chitchat with the waiter about ice or check-desires, but not nearly enough to fill those forgotten minutes of friendlessness and communication-freeness.
- My own experience is very hawkish; having grown up in an environment full of school beatings, constant humiliation, and friendlessness, I felt as though I worked for every success I had.
- The dreadful crushing of the animal spirits, the ever-prevailing sense of friendlessness and homelessness consequent on this state of things, began ere long to produce mortal effects on my constitution
- Longtime Beck-watchers said he has always made references to his faith journey, his conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism, his crediting God with saving him from drug and alcohol abuse, professional obscurity and "friendlessness."
- But it could not be so gloomy in the kind sunlight as it was when lashed by the savage storm which we had seen it cowering under before; and at the station we lost all feeling of friendlessness in the welcome of the thronging guides and hotel touters.
- Who would counsel his son to undergo the countless risks of poor married life, to remove the beloved girl from comfort and competence, and subject her to debt, misery, privation, friendlessness, sickness, and the hundred gloomy consequences of the res angusta domi?
- You see where my pride is gone; remember I plead as a suppliant, a beggar — though one who may be one day a prince, a king! ay, and a prince now, a very Lucifer of pride to all except to you; to you a wretch who grovels at your feet, and cries, ‘Have mercy on me, on my loneliness, my homelessness, my friendlessness.’