IPA: frˈɪskɪŋ
- The act or an instance of checking someone's clothes and body for weapons or contraband.
- The action or motion of one who frisks; a gambol.
Examples of "frisking" in Sentences
- You referred to the expression frisking a cly as Cockney rhyming slang.
- The subtle pat-down before the actual snatch was called frisking the cly.
- Melissa most certainly did not refer to a "frisking" by Iain, she was quoting a comment.
- Dorking family, that second Lady Henrietta Pulleyn, whom we described as frisking about at Baden, and not in the least afraid of him.
- Kew, we know, married one of the Dorking family, that second Lady Henrietta Pulleyn, whom we described as frisking about at Baden, and not in the least afraid of him.
- India's biggest automaker by sales, has increased security at its factories such as frisking of staff and use of metal detectors, said Debasis Ray, a company spokesman.
- His face burning with embarrassment, Dundee went through the traditional gestures of police "frisking" -- running his hands rapidly down the girl's tall, sturdy body, slapping her pockets.
- And they plastered the picture of Christine Whitman "frisking" a black kid .... in Camden (or Trenton) I guess they should have thrown in a few "Token" white males and Asian females to balance out that line up ... but those kids were probably home studying chemistry or getting some sleep for thier SAT's the next day ..