IPA: frˈɪtɝ
- A dish made by deep-frying food coated in batter.
- A fragment; a shred; a small piece.
- (intransitive, often with about, around, or away) To squander or waste time, money, or other resources; e.g. occupy oneself idly or without clear purpose, to tinker with an unimportant part of a project, to dally, sometimes as a form of procrastination.
- (transitive) To sinter.
- (transitive) To cut (meat etc.) into small pieces for frying.
- (transitive) To break into small pieces or fragments.
Examples of "fritter" in Sentences
- Anything with the word "fritter" in it is okay with me.
- My favourite accompaniment to anything fritter is a hot tomato sauce.
- The grimace on a friend's face as he bit into the fritter was the first sign all was not well.
- There's a fried dough ball - a "fritter" - with a hollow core oozing with cream sauce studded with diced conch meat ( "
- We liked the "fritter" idea -- the crusty crab puffs had a soft, crab-laced interior -- but found the chive sauce a bit too much about onion for our taste.
- Fortunately, after I bought my venti coffee and apple fritter aka the Doom of Mankind, I rounded the corner to my office, and what did my wondering eyes behold?
- Fruit fritters - fruit dipped in batter - particularly apple fritters, were also a popular food on this day, and the name fritter can also be applied to the pancake.
- Meanwhile, the labels fritter away their time and energy filing 26,000 lawsuits against their customers, and have financially ruined Jammie Thomas, an American-Indian single mother of two who the labels (the RIAA) sued and won a judgment of $220,000 for copyright infringement, which is effectively 10 times her annual after-tax salary.