IPA: frˈʌntʌɫ
- (Christianity) A decorative drapery covering the front of an altar.
- (architecture) The façade of a building.
- (anatomy) Ellipsis of frontal bone.. [(anatomy) the bone which forms the front part of the skull and the upper part of the eye sockets and nasal cavity]
- Of, relating to, directed toward, or situated at the front.
- Directed against the front or at the main point or issue.
- (anatomy) Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone.
- (anatomy) Parallel to the main axis of the body and at right angles to the sagittal plane.
- (zootomy) Any of the scales of a reptile that lie in the general region of the forehead, more specifically between the eyes and to the anterior of this area.
- (meteorology) Of or relating to a weather front.
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