IPA: gˈæbɝdin
- (uncountable, countable) A type of woolen cloth with a diagonal ribbed texture on one side.
- (uncountable, countable) A similar fabric, made from cotton.
- (countable) A long cloak.
- (countable, historical) A yellow robe that Jews in England were compelled to wear in the year 1189 as a mark of distinction.
Examples of "gabardine" in Sentences
- "gabardine" and the ordinary green kind that is used in Norway in the winter.
- Fabrics made of yarns that aren't tightly twisted, such as gabardine, are particularly prone to shine.
- "High-rise pleated shorts are very important now, but in a clean unwashed fabric, such as gabardine or linen.
- We had overalls of two different materials: Burberry "gabardine" and the ordinary green kind that is used in Norway in the winter.
- Burberry added a few warfare-ready bells and whistles to his existing "Tielocken" style—made from gabardine, the company's own waterproofed worsted cotton creation—and so the "trench" coat was born.
- It is true that we had a few yards of darkish "gabardine," or light windproof material, which would have been extremely suitable for this purpose, but every yard of it had long ago been destined for some other use, so that did not get us out of the difficulty.
- It was there that Paul Moriconi kept a brown leather suitcase containing a gray gabardine military tunic and matching riding pants, a khaki Italian military shirt and a woolen red dress that were claimed to have been a change of clothes in the possession of Mussolini and Petacci when they were captured.