IPA: gˈædʌbaʊt
- A person who restlessly moves from place to place, seeking amusement or the companionship of others.
Examples of "gadabout" in Sentences
- "gadabout," as they say, and spent a great part of her time amongst the kept women of the neighborhood, whose acquaintance she had made.
- Only not exactly gallivant, more like gadabout, playing an international game of tag with an imaginary, relentless and inexhaustible "it."
- It happened that the surgeon of McQuestion, who was something of a gadabout, was up on a gossip, and between them they proceeded to repair Leclère.
- Elisabeth borrowed the “Debray” monicker from her ex-husband, the famed international gadabout and Che Guevara pal Régis Debray, the Bill Ayers of France.
- No longer Richmond Taylor, wealthy financier and gadabout, he now stood tall as that dark mystery of the night, that scourge of terror and nemesis to all evildoers: The Black Hand!
- His own father, blithe gadabout Edward VII 1901-1910 was solely a horse racing buff who was oblivious to his subjects becoming, in his lifetime, suddenly and overwhelmingly enamoured with ball games.
- This woman will likely end up with a free McMansion with 15 bedrooms and two full-time maids, 7 nannies, a nice new short-bus and gadabout, free diapers, baby food, formula and paid college tuition for all the kids.
- Isabella Blow (1958-2007) certainly risks becoming a fashion footnote, remembered as a social gadabout (she once said that she needed publicity "like Jane Eyre needed Mrs. Rochester") and as the magazine editor who discovered the designer Alexander McQueen and the models Stella Tennant and Sophie Dahl.
- First there was Wolverine: Prodigal Son, the Marvel/Del Rey book which attempted to "mangify" the character by turning him into a generic angsty shonen hero -- thereby robbing everything that made him interesting to begin with -- and now there's Iron Man: Armored Adventurers, which imagines Tony Stark not as gadabout playboy but nerdy youth.