IPA: gʌɫˈæktoʊs
- (biochemistry) A monosaccharide found, along with lactose, in dairy products, and is synthesized by the body where it is found associated with glycolipids and glycoproteins.
Examples of "galactose" in Sentences
- Metabolite analysis in blood and urine such as galactose-1-phosphate and sialic acid, respectively
- Fermentation converts lactose into glucose and galactose, which is easily digestible by even the lactose - intolerant.
- It hydrolyses lactose into two monosaccharides – glucose and galactose – and yields a naturally sweet, low lactose milk product.
- The galactose and glucose then enter the bloodstream where the galactose is converted in more glucose, the basic power source of the body.
- But, for sugars such as galactose, which is commonly found in dairy produce, around 10 per cent is found in a different ring form called a 'furanose'.
- But milk delivers more than just calcium, and some of its other components—like extra calories, saturated fat, and the sugar known as galactose—aren’t necessarily good for you.
- Examples are fructose, found in fruit, glucose, or blood sugar that is produced when carbohydrates are digested, and galactose, which is produced from digesting milk sugar, or lactose.