
IPA: gˈɔɫ


  • (anatomy, dated) A gallbladder.
  • (uncountable) A feeling of exasperation.
  • (uncountable) Impudence or brazenness; temerity, chutzpah.
  • (anatomy, obsolete, uncountable) Bile, especially that of an animal; the greenish, profoundly bitter-tasting fluid found in bile ducts and gall bladders, structures associated with the liver.
  • (uncountable, obsolete) Great misery or physical suffering, likened to the bitterest-tasting of substances.
  • (countable) A sore on a horse caused by an ill-fitted or ill-adjusted saddle; a saddle sore.
  • (countable) A pit on a surface being cut caused by the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point.
  • (medicine, obsolete, countable) A sore or open wound caused by chafing, which may become infected, as with a blister.
  • (countable, phytopathology) A blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants, caused by burrowing of insect larvae into the living tissues, especially that of the common oak gall wasp (Cynips quercusfolii).
  • (countable) A bump-like imperfection resembling a gall.
  • A surname.


  • (transitive) To bother or trouble.
  • To harass, to harry, often with the intent to cause injury.
  • To exasperate.
  • To chafe, to rub or subject to friction; to create a sore on the skin.
  • To cause pitting on a surface being cut from the friction between the two surfaces exceeding the bond of the material at a point.
  • To scoff; to jeer.
  • To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts in dyeing.

Examples of "gall" in Sentences

  • In Leviticus 3:4, 10, and 15, the “covering of the liver” refers to the gall bladder.
  • The gall is most precious, and the flesh was all taken, but for what purpose I don't know.
  • The part that gets my gall is how quickly they were to blame FEMA for every single misfortune.
  • & I must be the best tempered fellow in Great Britain for the devil a drop of gall is there in my bile-bag.
  • Learn more about the word "gall" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the dictionary.
  • i find it amazing that a president of a country that has NO functioning democracy finds it possible to comment on another country†™ s democracy. the gall is nauseating
  • I. i.101 (158,2) Though ink be made of gall] Shakespeare, even in this poor conceit, has confounded the vegetable _galls_ used in ink, with the animal _gall_, supposed to be bitter.
  • The word gall has appeared in 110 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Oct. 7 in the blog post "'Simpsons' Voice Actor Speaks Out About Negotiations With Fox," by Dave Itzkoff:
  • The next time the cook cleans out a fowl, ask her to show you the little greenish bladder which she calls the gall and which she takes such care not to burst, because it contains a bitter liquid which, if spilt upon it, would quite ruin the flavor of the fowl.

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