IPA: gæɫɝˈiʌ
- An indoor area, or covered courtyard, containing shops.
Examples of "galleria" in Sentences
- Ferrari says that the galleria is the largest collection of
- The closest approximation to a "wow" space in Mr. Gluckman's design is its skylit "galleria" -- a glorified corridor.
- Can we say the same now of colleges that have turned themselves into career-training centers and cultural galleria for a global elite that no longer answers to any polity or moral code?
- Bing Thom Architects 'ambitious Surrey Central City project, a 1. 7-million-square-foot mixed-use development, integrates an office tower, an existing shopping mall and the new SFU campus, which includes a three-storey "galleria" that appears to "float" over the mall.