IPA: gˈæɫʌn
- A unit of volume, equivalent to eight pints
- (Britain, Canada) exactly 4.54609 liters; an imperial gallon
- (US) 231 cubic inches or approximately 3.785 liters for liquids (a "U.S. liquid gallon")
- (US) one-eighth of a U.S. bushel or approximately 4.405 liters for dry goods (a "U.S. dry gallon").
- (in the plural, informal) A large quantity (of any liquid).
- A surname.
Examples of "gallon" in Sentences
- $2. 25USD per gallon is a relative issue and I personally wouldn't make a decision strictly based upon the fuel cost.
- “They were going on and on about how $4.00 dollars a gallon is a good thing, and won†™ t make a difference to our economy.” —
- No. Only, "That no merchant, cooper or any other person whatever, shall, after the first day of the first month, sell any wine under one-quarter of a cask, neither by quart, gallon or any other measure, _but only such taverners as are licensed to sell by the gallon_."
- Reason 5 -- tax incidence: as I pointed out, $1/gallon is not high enough to reduce consumption much (though it is high enough to divert a lot of money from better uses into government coffers), so we would not, in fact, succeed in taxing Arabs and Venezuelans very much.