IPA: gæɫvˈænɪk
- Of or pertaining to galvanism; electric.
- (by extension) Energetic; vigorous.
- Of a current that is not alternating, as opposed to faradic.
Examples of "galvanic" in Sentences
- There's also some risk of a painful interaction if it's placed next to an existing amalgam filling called a galvanic shock.
- But music has a whole host of other effects on the human body, from skin galvanic levels to production of various hormones and other chemical facilitators.
- The software then sends signals to the body and receives responses back using the same technology used in lie detectors, called galvanic skin response (GSR).
- Beth McMullian will lead participants in a hands on electronics workshop where participants will built a primitive lie detector known as the galvanic skin response meter.
- If we take, for example, sulphuric acid and zinc and make what we call a galvanic battery, we see that from two chemical substances a third — a salt — is made in addition to which we have a peculiar energy produced called electricity.
- _Coeteris paribus_ -- all the other usual conditions being observed, such as silence, the fixed gaze, monotony of attention -- let the galvanic disk be put aside, and in its place let a sixpence or a fourpenny-piece be employed, or indeed any similar small object on which the eyes of the patient must remain fixed for the usual space of time, and we will promise that the experiments thus made shall be equally successful with those in which the so-called galvanic disk is employed.
- _ But when I set this definition alongside the case of an otherwise intelligent man carrying in his trousers 'pocket a raw potato as a protection against rheumatism, and alongside the case of another man carrying in his vest pocket a piece of brimstone to prevent him taking cramp in the stomach; and when I consider the case of ladies wearing earrings as a preventive against, or cure for, sore eyes; and, again, when I remembered a practice, very frequent a few years ago, of people wearing what were known as galvanic rings in the belief that these would prevent their suffering from rheumatism, I could not perceive any direct connection between such superstitious practices and religion, and the construction of a new definition was rendered necessary.
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