IPA: gˈæmbɫɝ
- One who plays at a game of chance, who gambles.
- One who takes significant risks.
Examples of "gambler" in Sentences
- Where's that little pale printer's devil, the one they call the gambler's ghost?
- But he also is one of the biggest gambles as he is a classic high-risk, high-return sort of riverboat gambler from the back end.
- The short or intermediate term gambler or speculator would wait for some better confirmation of a turn around of trend before risking capital.
- Bush the gambler is betting that he will come out looking like President Reagan, whose deficits bought economic reforms and a stronger national defense.
- He does not come across as a gambler, which is why it must have really killed him to take a flier in Fleischer, buying a "pig in a poke" by granting him immunity on the blind.
- Mr Benjamin complained of Mr Russell of the 'Times' for holding him up to fame as a "gambler" -- a story which he understood Mr Russell had learnt from Mr Charles Sumner at Washington.
- The Palin pick already, as Noemie Emery wrote, “Wipes out the image of McCain as the crotchety elder and brings back that of the fly-boy and gambler, which is much more appealing, and the genuine person.”