IPA: gɑmbˈuʒʌ
- Any of several live-bearing freshwater fish, of the genus Gambusia, that feed on the larva of mosquitos and are used to control them.
Examples of "gambusia" in Sentences
- In fact, the San Marcos gambusia hasn't been seen since the early 1980s and could already be extinct.
- The water also has been stocked with minnowlike mosquito fish, also called gambusia, which eat mosquito larvae.
- The unique mound springs are threatened by weed infestation, trampling by domestic stock and feral animals, and exotic fish species such as eastern gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki), and extraction of water from the Great Artesian Basin aquifer which leads to decline and extinction of springs.
- The springs contain the only remaining populations of two small fish, the fountain darter and the San Marcos gambusia; the Texas blind salamander; the San Marcos salamander; the Comal Springs Riffle beetle, the Comal Springs Dryopid beetle, the Peck's cave amphipod, an invertebrate; and Texas wild-rice.