game bird

IPA: gˈeɪmbˈɝd


  • A bird that is hunted for sport, especially one used for food.


IPA: gɑmbˈɝd


  • Alternative spelling of game bird [A bird that is hunted for sport, especially one used for food.]

Examples of "gamebird" in Sentences

    Examples of "game-bird" in Sentences

    • With her for decoy even that game-bird might be lured.
    • Distinctive game-bird scenes on both sides of the receiver mark the model.
    • With her thin nostrils distended to this scent, Lady Casterley bore a distinct resemblance to a small, fine game-bird.
    • There is one state in America, and so far as I know _only one_, in which there is at this moment an old-time abundance of game-bird life.
    • Among the trees was the guan, another peculiar bird as big as a big grouse, and with certain habits of the wood-grouse, but not akin to any northern game-bird.
    • Then he fell to wondering if -- he consulted his note-book -- J. Winfield Harrah had specialized at all upon his method of serving up this game-bird which knows no closed season?
    • Probably the best way to locate a local source is to consult local pet stores, the county farm advisor's office, university faculty of agriculture, game-bird fanciers, and the like.
    • The tramp on the dusty highway, the clerk in the counting-house, the sportsman upon the moor, the preacher in his pulpit, game-bird and barn-door fowl alike, all were simultaneously bagged.
    • From Aug. 12, the date on which grouse come into season, until the beginning of February, which sees the end of the partridge and pheasant seasons, the rituals of game-bird shooting play themselves out in Britain as they have more or less for centuries.

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