IPA: gˈeɪmbæg
- A hunter's pouch for storing game.
Examples of "gamebag" in Sentences
- It took me a little longer than Keith but somehow 4 birds ended up in my gamebag.
- → Decoy The roll-up decoy weighs nothing in your gamebag and looks like a real hen.
- I do carry a 12 'long x 2' high blind in my gamebag for times when I want to sit for a while.
- You can add and subtract layers as you cool down and warm up, tucking unworn clothes into your gamebag.
- "We sure will," answered Todd, and he gave each of the party something to carry on his back and in his gamebag.
- When Shirley Roseleaf left the hotel that morning he carried a fishing rod, a rifle, a gamebag and other acoutrements of the sportsman.
- Here and there are books, reviews, a little work-basket in the shape of a gamebag, with silk tassels, a bunch of violets in a glass vase, and green plants in the jardinieres.
- We were ... an annoyance, I think " her tone was calm, but it was clear she did not like being regarded so lightly " and perhaps a little something extra to slip into his gamebag, if we were not too much trouble.
- Add to that the joy that comes from finally being in the field after all those hot workaday months spent thinking about it, your pals trash-talking, the hunger-inducing promise of all that tender and fine-grained meat being steadily stuffed into a gamebag, and the sight and smell of barbecue smoke rising in the distance, and the fun tips over into sublime pleasure.