IPA: gˈeɪmɪŋ
- Synonym of gambling
- Careful, strategic use of rules to achieve one's purposes, as one would use the rules of a game.
- The playing of a game or games, including but not limited to video games and games of chance.
- Ellipsis of videogaming.
Examples of "gaming" in Sentences
- The use of the word gaming is an attempt to make a serious business seem like fun.
- What I want to see in gaming is real characters, in gaming its just stereotypes at the moment.
- My personal bet for the next wave of popularity in gaming is a brand of MMORPGs without the monotonous levelling-up process.
- The word gaming puts ‘foo-foo dust,’ as we used to say in the Army, on a business that bilks the poor and traps the unwary with ‘something for nothing.’