
IPA: gˈæmʌpˈitʌɫʌs


  • (botany) Having petals wholly or partially fused in such a way that the corolla takes the form of a tube, trumpet, channel, or similarly nearly-rigid structure.

Examples of "gamopetalous" in Sentences

  • Well-defined polypetalous and gamopetalous genera sometimes occur in the same order, and even
  • Dicotyledons the gamopetalous forms are admitted to be the highest development and a dominant one of our epoch.
  • Another feature of interest is the rarity with which axillary prolification is found in irregular gamopetalous blooms.
  • The following list contains the names of the genera in which this separation of the petals of an ordinarily gamopetalous flower takes place most frequently.
  • Cymose inflorescences, arising opposite to leaves (not axillary) near the ends of branches, bear gamopetalous flowers with 5-lobed corollas, which are white, yellow, purple, blue or striped, and about 3 cm across.
  • = -- The instances of this are more frequent than in the case of the calyx, and admit of classification according as they occur in polypetalous or gamopetalous flowers, on the outer or inner surface of the petals, &c.
  • The largest number of instances of this malformation, not merely generically, but also individually, occurs in plants the members of whose floral whorls are not united one to the other; thus, it is far more common in polypetalous plants than in gamopetalous ones.
  • Following Augustin Pyranius De Candolle, botanists have applied the term cohesion to the coalescence of parts of the same organ or of members of the same whorl; for instance, to the union of the sepals in a gamosepalous calyx, or of the petals in a gamopetalous corolla.
  • Flowers that, under ordinary circumstances, are gamopetalous, become, in some instances, multiplied by the formation of additional segments, just as in the case of polypetalous corollas; but in these cases the corollas become polypetalous, their petals do not cohere one with another.
  • When the plants in which these occurrences happen most frequently are compared together, it may be seen that partial or entire suppression of the floral envelopes, calyx, and corolla, is far more commonly met with in the polypetalous and hypogynous groups than in the gamopetalous or epigynous series.

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