
IPA: gˈæmp


  • (UK, dated) An umbrella.
  • Abbreviation of gynandromorphophilia. [(rare) Sexual attraction to transsexual or transgender women.]

Examples of "gamp" in Sentences

  • The moment, however, a step on the stair was heard, he snatched up hat and gamp, and in two-twos was outside the door of the flat.
  • I hopped aboard an empty Frog ammunition cart going back to Sinho, spied Grant's marker by a covered wagon, and strolled up to report, swinging my gamp.
  • The carriages were inside, and as the first wagon followed with its wailing occupants-all but Aphrodite, who was thrashing the tail-board with the remains of her gamp, in a fine berserk fury still-I hurried through the gates.
  • A fellow dived on him, grabbing his wrist, the squawking woman was belabouring me with her gamp, Joe was hurling his attacker aside … but by that time I was going through the dining section like Springheeled Jack, sending a table flying as I plunged through the kitchen door.
  • A fellow dived on him, grabbing his wrist, the squawking woman was belabouring me with her gamp, Joe was hurling his attacker aside ... but by that time I was going through the dining section like Springheeled Jack, sending a table flying as I plunged through the kitchen door.
  • I egged her on, and we got her into the long coat, and adjusted the broad-brimmed bonnet and veil, and I jammed the shoes on her feet, and gloved her, and stuck the gamp in her hand -- and when she managed to stand, leaning against the table, she looked as much like the outward picture of a lady as made no odds.

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