IPA: gˈændɝ
- A male goose.
- A fool, simpleton.
- (informal) A glance, look.
- (US) A man living apart from his wife.
- A surname.
- A town in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador.
- (dialect, intransitive) ramble, wander
Examples of "gander" in Sentences
- Sauce for the crooked gander is sauce for the bribe-taking goose.
- All Answers from Sportsman21 wrote 2 weeks 2 days ago look for seminares in gander or at a hunting expo
- Yes | No | Report from Sportsman21 wrote 2 weeks 2 days ago look for seminares in gander or at a hunting expo
- One gander is sufficient for several geese; and four or five geese will bring up a brood of forty or fifty goslings.
- Feminists should be delighted by their enlightened commitment to sexual equality, their assumption that what's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, too.
- "I have always suspected that," said the rooster, and he went around the barnyard next day telling everybody that the very fine gander was a dangerous bird, more than likely a hawk in gander's clothing.
- Just look at Hillary Clinton and George W. Y'know, eight years ago I was enraged by this kind of behavior from a presidential candidate, but apparently whats good for the gander is also good for the goose!
- Many people object to geese in a poultry-yard on account of the pugnacious habits of the gander; but when a gander is brought up with other fowls he becomes familiar with them, and is not likely to do them any injury.