
IPA: gˈæŋɫi


  • Tall and thin, especially so as to cause physical awkwardness.

Examples of "gangly" in Sentences

  • He was tall and gangly.
  • There was a tall, gangly, red haired guy.
  • Sydor is very tall and gangly in appearance.
  • He is gangly and always has something stupid to say.
  • He has gangly arms and legs, and braces on his teeth.
  • From a young age, O'Reilly was a tall and gangly player.
  • A gangly kid from Colorado could sing the sweetest song.
  • No more flashbacks, no more traps, no more gangly bear trap masks?
  • The current article division is esoterically gangly for most readers.
  • It is a gangly weedlike perennial topping two meters in maximum height.
  • It seems to me that the References section is overly large and rather gangly.
  • On style, I loved the "gangly" lawyer from Springfield reference and his reference to MLK as "a king."
  • At the peak of their growth spurt, boys in particular can be "gangly" and perhaps less co-ordinated than normal.
  • He would move from that pre-pubescence to an incredibly awkward teen period — from cherub, to a gangly whippet of a young man.
  • He clearly thinks he's kind of gangly and ugly, but he's obviously not repulsive, because attractive women keep offering themselves up.
  • A few days later I was working the register in the record store when a gangly long-feathered-hair type in three quarter sleeves sauntered up.
  • After meeting each other multiple times - first in 1996, when they're both gangly adolescents at Camp Weehawken - Adam and Emma finally let their relationship get physical.
  • Jonathan Johansson (Frolunda Jrs.) — It's stunning how much his overall game has developed in the last six months since we saw him as a gangly checker last April at the U-18 world championships.
  • Stan trying to get to her first but he couldn't and someone yelled, Got her! and he remembers a dozen legs near the shore, a spider of legs, gangly in cloth suits, hunching over her, dripping water everywhere.

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