IPA: gɑˈoʊɫ
- (Commonwealth) Dated spelling of jail.
- (Commonwealth) Dated spelling of jail.
Examples of "gaol" in Sentences
- Prisoners should not languish in gaol; they should be used for a good purpose.
- Critics have pointed out that the gaol is only designed to hold a maximum of 30 inmates.
- Who exactly are all these innocent members of the public thrown in gaol for protecting their property?
- What better place for social-working worthies to practice than in gaol? on April 13, 2010 at 6: 00 pm Gary
- Poor old Clegg (NI) spent years in gaol before we discovered there was no proof it was his bullet that killed anyone.
- You know people are desperate when attempting to outwit the fire inspectors and insurance people begins to look attractive even when gaol is the price of failure.
- During the Emergency Mrs. Gandhi threw the Maharani in gaol for a while (on trumped up charges of tax evasion — in connection with “undeclared” jewels), then let her out again.
- Taxes are unpopular, so easier all round to peddle the myth that “too many people are in gaol” than to address the problem of persistent offenders. on October 8, 2009 at 6: 57 pm Wig and Gown