
IPA: gˈeɪpɪŋ


  • The act of one who gapes.
  • Something gaping; something agape.
  • A threat or courtship behavior in animals involving holding the mouth open and displaying the teeth or other interior features.


  • Wide open.
  • Having the jaw wide open, as in astonishment or stupefaction.

Examples of "gaping" in Sentences

  • That, PZ, is what we call a gaping whole in taxon sampling.
  • What you refer to as a gaping hole is but a cosmetic crack.
  • Saxon strode up the street, while the children gazed at them in gaping astonishment.
  • Point the First: Probably not as sanitary in gaping burn holes as the buckets of sterile saline they would be carrying in the bus.
  • That is what he calls the gaping wound near Redding known to everybody else as the Iron Mountain Mine, which is widely regarded by scientists as one of the most polluted places in the world.
  • Together, the three massive bombings have sparked outrage among Iraqi lawmakers who want Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his top aides be held accountable for what they describe as gaping, and continuing, security breaches.
  • Just go back to doing the only thing you are capable of, which is sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction swallowing wholesale any and every idiotic lie that is spoon-fed to you by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully.
  • By finding out what the facts are, rather than spending all of our time sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantle lie is shovelled down our gullet by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully, and swallowing said lies without even a first much less a second thought.

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