
IPA: gˈɑr


  • (especially US, Canada) Any of several North American fish of the family Lepisosteidae that have long, narrow jaws.
  • (especially UK, Ireland) A garfish, Belone belone.
  • A county of Ngari prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China.
  • (US, historical, military, mid-19th century) Initialism of Grand Army of the Republic. [(now historical) An organisation for veterans of the US Army, Navy and Marines who served in the American Civil War.]
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of glycineamide ribonucleotide.
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of glutathione amide reductase.
  • (finance) Initialism of gross annual revenue.


  • (now chiefly UK dialectal) To make, compel (someone to do something); to cause (something to be done).

Examples of "gar" in Sentences

  • The gar was a big one even after he had been dressed.
  • Bin gar keine Russin, stamm 'aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
  • Just because a gar is of no use to you doesn't mean it has no use.
  • It's called gar-*zing*, because it has a special * zing* in its crust.
  • By the end of Richard's first month at the palace, the gar was a head taller than R'ichard, and significantly stronger.
  • A park volunteer who was doing a gar census near where we were a gar is a skinny fish that becomes as big as fifty pounds, and is distinguished by an extremely long, thin nose handed me his binoculars and I got a good close-up of the alligator's face.
  • Dismissed by some as a gamefish-devouring, muddy-water-dwelling trash species, the alligator gar is nonetheless heralded by a growing number of devotees as a premier sport fish — hard fighting, mean, and (in growing to 8 feet and 300 pounds) just about the biggest thing you're apt to encounter in inland waters.

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