garbage can

IPA: gˈɑrbɪdʒkˈæn


  • (Canada, US) A receptacle, usually roughly cylindrical and wider at the top than at the bottom, which serves as a place to discard waste materials.

Examples of "garbage-can" in Sentences

  • Now, love addiction is this -- you know, it ` s kind of this garbage-can term, but it carries some weight.
  • He heard his garbage-can lid rattle on the driveway, blown by the wind or pulled loose from the bungee cord by an animal.
  • "Stomp" recorded a one-minute routine with letters spelling out "C'mon LeBron" fastened to the undersides of garbage-can lids.
  • It ' s more like Don Draper vs. an unhinged fellow on the sidewalk angrily waving a garbage-can lid and wearing a banana peel for a hat.
  • I'm counting the minutes until these sleazy, crooked, menadcious know-nothings are consigned to their rightful place, the garbage-can of history.
  • We scooped up handfuls of pecans, Arthur mounted a garbage-can lid on his arm, and we charged the enemy across the street, slamming one pecan after another into their bodies.
  • It's a pretty hard thing to prove, you'd be eating out of a garbage-can if it wasn't for the stimulas. or you'd be in the throws of world war three with the republicans in power.
  • Because a direct fire cooks the food more quickly than molten coals can, and because the ingredients are contained, the garbage-can method is speedier and more manageable than the traditional one.
  • Jimmy and Will had been sent up as part of the reinforcements, bottles and bricks and garbage-can lids raining down on them, looters helping themselves to food and radios and even weapons from the neighborhood stores.

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