IPA: gˈɑrgɪt
- An inflammation on a cow's or sheep's udder; synonym of mastitis.
- A distemper in pigs accompanied by staggering and loss of appetite.
- Pokeweed.
Examples of "garget" in Sentences
- | Use it for caked bags, or garget, for cuts, cracks, scratches or sores |
- There are also a number of inflammatory udder troubles known as garget or mammitis.
- The most common is where the milk is clotted or stringy when drawn, as in some forms of garget.
- When the calves are taken from their dams there is the greatest danger of garget, and this is always an anxious time with the breeder.
- I cannot impress too strongly on the breeder that, as soon as symptoms of garget are observed, the cow must be firmly secured and the teats properly drawn three or four times a-day.
- Some hold furthermore an opinion that in over rank soils their dung doth so qualify the batableness of the soil that their cattle is thereby kept from the garget, and sundry other diseases, although some of them come to their ends now and then by licking up of their feathers.
- Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scotfree and are not molested by him!
- Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scot-free and are not molested by him!
- Of such as are twice mowed I speak not, sith their later math is not so wholesome for cattle as the first; although in the mouth more pleasant for the time: for thereby they become oftentimes to be rotten, or to increase so fast in blood, that the garget and other diseases do consume many of them before the owners can seek out any remedy, by phlebotomy or otherwise.