IPA: gˈærʌt
- A cord, wire or similar used for strangulation.
- (historical) An iron collar formerly used in Spain to execute people by strangulation.
- (transitive) To execute by strangulation.
- (transitive) To suddenly render insensible by semi-strangulation, and then to rob.
Examples of "garrotte" in Sentences
- I'll pull a near all-nighter writing rot of life's garrotte, the dead line pulling tighter.
- Necros uses the headphone chord of his Walkman as a garrotte and has clever milk bottle bombs.
- Case saw the crude wooden handles that drifted at either end of the garrotte, like worn sections of broom handle.
- Sometimes with a long rifle, sometimes up very close and personally with a knife or garrotte for the sake of silence.
- The way I heard it, they were ruled a safety hazard; some 'air rage' pisshead might grab it and use it as a garrotte.
- Electrical cord had been wound around her head and the small handle of a magnifying glass had been used to tighten it like a garrotte.
- On the merest criticism of tax credits from the say Purnell-led frontbench, he'd gnaw our green leather seats through to their springs and garrotte with the microphones that dangle from the eves whomsoever of our number happened to be in the way.
- And late that night, after all the children were nestled snug in their beds, dreaming of sugarplums and what not, Betty would quietly enter the housekeeper's bedroom and choke her out with a garrotte, and subsequently disposing of her body in Lake Memphremagog.