
IPA: gˈæsiʌs


  • Relating to, or existing as gas (matter in an intermediate state between liquid and plasma).
  • Of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy.
  • Lacking substance or solidity; tenuous.

Examples of "gaseous" in Sentences

  • His first problem involved the study, by flow techniques, of free radicals produced in gaseous photochemical reactions.
  • The pulse, apparently full, was easily compressible, and was what might be called a gaseous pulse, and a resort to the lancet
  • I'État dilué (Chemical equilibria in gaseous systems or strongly diluted solutions), which dealt with this theory of dilute solutions.
  • This would give each atom a larger sphere of freedom in which to move, and that state would then be called a gaseous and not a liquid one.
  • But they have discovered what we would call gaseous oil, and have learned to put it to work, so that it is the main force employed in hoisting and all other purposes where power is required.
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909.
  • I think not; and the conclusion implied by our authors seems to me eminently probable, that in the so-called ether we have simply a state of matter more primitive than what we know as the gaseous state.
  • Satan, witnessed the Creation, and described how the heavenly bodies were brought into existence, he having perceived what we should call the gaseous elements of matter rolled into whorls and vortices which became condensed into suns and systems of worlds.
  • Specifically the H5N1 (SAa2,3Gal) receptors were found “on non-ciliated cuboidal cells at the junction between the respiratory bronchiole and alveolus” and on “a substantial number of cells lining the alveolar wall. ” (This describes the substance of the lung tissue involved in gaseous exchange.)

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